School Day SAT for Juniors

Just a reminder to all who have pre-registered and paid for the In School SAT- the SAT exams will be held at Albertus on Wednesday, March 2nd, from 8:15am until 12:30pm. There will be busing for any juniors who need a ride to school. The buses will pick-up at your regular morning time and will pick up from school at 12:45pm.
If you don’t feel well, please stay home. If you do not take the SAT because you are sick the exam fee will be refunded. Remember to wear your mask! All students must enter the school through the rotunda and look for their name and room assignment on the lists.
Students need to bring a calculator and several #2 pencils with erasers. You may not use mechanical pencils on the answer sheet!!! You may dress down for the exam. You do not need to wear your school uniform.
The cafeteria will not be open for breakfast or lunch. There is no allotted time for lunch-only stretch and bathroom breaks. Students should eat a good breakfast! You may bring water and a snack that you can eat in the hall during the bathroom break.
Albertus Magnus High School
798 Route 304
Bardonia, NY 10954
(845) 623-8842
Fax: (845) 623-0009
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