On March 20th, over 40 alums gathered virtually for the first alumni Glory Days event. The 1976-77 basketball team and their many fans reminisced with Coach Tom Collins ‘64, sportswriter Bill Varner and discussion moderator Greg Golden, ’78.
The 1976-1977 team was one of the most successful in the history of the school posting a 25-2 record and losing the PSAL championship in a double overtime game at Nassau Coliseum. Coach Tom Collinsand team members Al Boro, John Golden, Tom Brady, Mike Loftus, John Kayser, Rich Dobson, Tom Lynch, John Farrell, Kevin Gray, Tom Liotta and Kevin Grayshared their memories of a team that had great success, but more importantly, consistently worked as a team - and all these years later recalled what that experience meant to them.
The sentiment of appreciation for the team and for Albertus was best stated by Al Boro, '77, who said, “One of the things that came back to me during the call was the sense of family that I had during that season. I didn’t feel like we were just a bunch of student athletes working together a few hours a day. I felt that we got to know each other well, cared about each other, and created a bond that was much more than just being teammates. In experiences since then in other aspects of life, I don’t remember ever achieving that same sense of family with a group of people.” We look forward to more Glory Days events with Albertus Alumni!